Top Ten Life Insurance Company

top ten life insurance company

Would you like to know about the top ten life insurance company? Drawing on my expertise, I conducted the life insurance ranking in the individual life insurance savings section in euros and in units of account of the insurance companies that design and create the contracts. 

It excludes retiring items or capitalizing tools. The main tool for saving in France is life insurance.

Contract for life insurance; death insurance contract; both life and death insurance contract…

The most recent ones are unclaimed contracts and relevant rules and taxes. However, that is not it; I will teach more. 

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Now, let’s get started.

On The New Top 10 Of The Biggest Insurers.

Here is the annual list of banks and insurers who control most of the life insurance industry yearly. 

These 10 businesses control 80% of the market share, which comes to 1,790 billion euros, even if their outstanding numbers have dropped

1. Credit Agricole 

Based on the most recent numbers published by France Assureurs, the Crédit Agricole company remains the leader, managing 277 billion euros of deposits in life insurance and capitalization agreements. 

For the second running year, Crédit Agricole comes top on the podium. 

This “bancassurer” aggregates two distinct entities functioning in the life insurance market: 

Spiritual, which manages the contracts of the online bank BforBank, online savings platforms (Linxea, Meilleurtaux Placement, etc.; Predica, which manages the banking contracts of Crédit Agricole and LCL)


At the end of 2022, CNP Assurances ranked second and controlled 265 billion euros, down from the previous year. 

Indeed, by the end of 2021, the outstanding sums came to 267 billion euros. 

Though also from its management structure, CNP Patrimoine, most of the savings under the control of CNP Assurances originate from the Caisse d’Epargne and La Banque Postale banking networks. 

3: Credit Mutuel

146 billion Euros. Benevolent “Crédit Mutuel” group hides a more complicated reality: 

The insurance federation, France Assureurs, comprises Suravenir, a division of the Arkéa company (Crédits Mutuels de Bretagne et du Sud-Ouest), and ACM Vie, the specialist subsidiary of the Alliance fédérale Crédit Mutuel (the main group of Crédit Mutuels de Bretagne et du Sud-Ouest). 

Thus, in this one significant entity, all the contracts of the Crédit Mutuel networks, CIC, Monabanq, Fortuneo, some online brokers, and many wealth management networks mix.

4 – B NP Paribas Cardif

142 billion EUR. In addition to contracts sold via wealth management advisers, the subsidiary of the namesake group oversees the parent firm’s banking products (including the flagship Multiplacements 2 contract).  

As with CNP Assurances, the firm witnessed its outstanding drop in one year, from 146 to 142 billion euros. In 2022, BNP Paribas Cardif will depart the podium in fourth place behind Crédit Mutuel.

5—Axa France Insurance 

132.7 billion euros. Axa France Assurance’s deposits in 2022 are declining, the same as those of CNP Assurances and the BNP Paribas Cardif group. 

Last year, Axa indeed handled 144.6 billion euros. Axa mostly depends on its network of general agents (as well as on a few other channels, such as Agipi, a substantial savings association). 

6 – General Society 

One hundred and fifty billion euros In the sixth position, Société Générale Insurance remains steady. 

Through its Oradéa Vie office, the Red and black bank’s subsidiary oversees both the parent firm’s and online or historical contracts. 

7- ema 

103.5 billion Euros. Thanks in particular to its longstanding relationship with the most well-known savings organization, 

After, Aviva France, purchased in 2021 by Aéma, a business established from the merging of Macif and Aésio Mutuelle, remains the 7th largest life insurer depending on the list supplied by France Assureurs. 

8 – Generali 

Eighty-two million euros. Generali stays seventh in the France Assureurs standings. 

Apart from online players like ING, BoursoBank (previously Boursorama), Altaprofits, or Linxea, Generali’s proposition is delivered by the network of general agents by partner wealth management advisers. 

Particularly notable since autumn 2019 is General France’s declared aim to limit flows into the euro fund. 

9. Nine BPCE 

83 billion euros. Maintaining 11th place, the BPCE group keeps ahead of AG2R La Mondiale. 

Originally connected with CNP Assurance, the BPCE group decided in 2016 to assign the life insurance distribution to BPCE Vie, the group’s internal insurer.

10 Ten: AG2R Mondiale 

Seventy-seven billion euros. For the second year running, the AG2R group maintains the tenth position.

High-end life and wealth insurance is the key advantage of this expert in retirement, health, and welfare coverage. 

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Which Life Insurance Should I Choose

For the first place, the match is tight; we tie two contracts: 

1. Linxea Spirit 2 is the greatest “all-terrain” life insurance plan for intended diversification into euro funds, equities, and real estate. 

In practice, you have access to a large number of account units if you decide to diversify into equities (World Tracker, which has returned +88% over the last five years), real estate (SCPI, with 100% of rentals paid), or other investment funds.

The sole factor that could chill some savers (and draw others) is the partial capital guarantee (98%) of the New Generation euro fund of Linxea Spirit 2 life insurance. 

If not 100%, why not? The insurer Spirica aimed for a greater long-term return by increasing its euro fund, including real estate shares. 

2. Lucya Cardiff contract allows savers who want a conventional euro fund insured at 100% option. This life insurance policy distinguishes out with its 2 euro funds, real estate supports (particularly its SCI without acquisition costs!),) 

and a great selection of trackers and individual shares that will please the most strict savers. 

Subject to investing in units of account, we can get a euro fund return bonus of +1.50% in 2024 and 2025, thereby enabling us to save 100% euro funds. 

With the euro fund return in 2023 (3% net) and rate increase, we may expect a return of up to 4.50% in 2024.

Third place goes to Evolution Vie, which does not grant trackers access. On the other hand, it gives savers who want to invest in real estate without acquisition expenses access to fascinating SCIs.

Specifically, in 2022, it was feasible to allocate 50% to a real estate UC (such as the SCI OFI Invest Patrimoine Immobilier, which returned 12.38%) 

and to fund 50% of the euro fund, thus benefiting from a bonus of 100%, i.e., a return of 3.22%. Under such a plan, this contract’s total performance in 2022 comes out to be 7.80%. 

How Much Does Whole Life Insurance Cost

Rates vary depending on numerous unique criteria; whole life insurance policies cost far more than term life insurance. 

Usually, the best approach to obtain a realistic premium estimate is to go through the complete application and underwriting process. 

Use the calculator below to project the cost of your whole life insurance.

Elements Affecting the Whole Life Insurance Cost: 

When deciding whole life insurance rates, life insurance companies consider more than simply coverage value. 

Policies underwritten by providers depend on elements about the individual applicant, like age, gender, health, and other possible risk factors.

These are typical factors companies weigh when underwriting whole life insurance policies: 

• Age: Since you have more chance of having major health issues as you age, life insurance firms raise prices. 

For whole life insurance, most firms define maximum age issue restrictions between 75 and 90 years old.

• Gender: Generally speaking, women pay less for life insurance as their life expectancy is higher than that of males. 

• Health: Your whole life insurance rates heavily on your health. Providers might ask about your medical background or suggest that you schedule a medical evaluation to ascertain your degree of risk. 

• Pre-existing or chronic conditions: You will have to reveal chronic disorders such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or sexually transmitted diseases when you apply for life insurance.

Should you have pre-existing conditions, you can be excluded from coverage or placed in a higher-risk pool at a more expensive cost.

• Lifestyle: Your premiums may suffer if you smoke, drink excessively, or participate in other bad lifestyle choices. 

• Risky interests: Certain pursuits raise your chance of dying. Risky pastimes like skydiving, skiing, or rock climbing raise your beneficiary’s chances of claiming against your insurance and, consequently, your premiums.

• Driving record: Your life insurance policy cost may rise if your driving record contains claims or fines, DWIs or DUI penalties, or accidents.

Companies use area death rates and life expectancy statistics to calculate geographical risk in their life insurance prices.

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Is It Good To Have Life Insurance

Definitely yes. Under the best circumstances, life insurance is a flexible, tax-efficient, safe way to save and distribute some of your assets. 

Non-contractual advertising-oriented non-verbal communication Net of contract management costs of 2% annually, annual return rate excludes tax deductions and social security. 

The Euro Nouvelle Génération Spirica Fund’s yearly capital guarantee is lowered by management costs of 2%, resulting in a guarantee of 98%. 

A minimum of 25% of all contributions into the Euro Nouvelle Génération Spirica Fund must be invested in Units of Account (SICAV, FCP, SCPI, EMTN, Trackers, Live Securities, etc.). 

Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. 

Meilleurtaux Placement distributes Meilleurtaux Liberté Vie, an individual multi-support life insurance contract insured by Spirica (a 100% subsidiary of Crédit Agricole Assurances), 

With a share capital of 256,359,096 euros, SA is regulated by the Insurance Code, RCS Paris No. 487 739, 16-18, boulevard de Vaugirard 75015 PARIS. 

These contract guarantees might be stated in euros, diversification provision shares, and units of account. 

The quantities invested in Unit of Account and diversification provision shares are not guaranteed and vary based on the development of the financial markets, either upward or downward. 

What Is Life Insurance Main Principles

There are three categories of life insurance contracts: combined life and death contracts, death insurance, and life insurance. 

Life insurance guarantees a capital sum or an annuity to the subscriber or beneficiary stated in the contract. 

While life insurance is mainly utilized as an investment, as the insured may be the contract beneficiary, death insurance protects the insured’s loved ones.

Many life insurance policies are provided based on the selected term length and the exit choices (capital or annuity payment). 

The selected media also affects the risks involved: contracts taken out in euros benefit from guaranteed capital; the capital of unit-linked or share-based contracts changes depending on the markets.

The insurance code, particularly provisions L131-1 and L132-1 et seq., governs life insurance contracts.

In life insurance, legislation n° 2005-1564 of December 15, 2005, has increased the readability and openness of contracts.

A December 22, 2022, amendment changed several clauses about pre-contractual information required for capitalization contracts or life insurance. 

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Final Thought

Now that we have established the top ten life insurance companies, Although some of their products are less costly than others, every one of these insurance product firms has reasonable premium prices. 

Your health, location, sex, and age will all affect the specific cost of your life insurance coverage. 

The key is to boldly select any insurance companies for a reasonably priced, all-encompassing term life insurance coverage.